Thursday, December 18, 2008

Security of the common Indian

There is so much verbal blasting and bombing from our big-mouthed leaders that it would have wiped out Pakistan from the map of the world had it been the real thing. Thank God, it is only for the consumption of the people of India in order to divert their attention from the question of the lapse of internal security which is the only subject on which the leaders should have investigated and concentrated.
But this question of internal security failure which has been causing so much bombing-blast in the cities causing so many deaths, and humiliating attack on Indian territory from outside has been, and will be sidetracked because of the simple reason that the so-called leaders, the powers that be, are happy to protect themselves and their next of kins with the maximum security. May I ask, why should Jyoti Basu need any security at all. Or, for that matter, the grandchild of Sonia Gandhi; and all at the tax-payers’ expense? In fact the general perception among Indians is that the lives of the thousand odd “leaders”, the MLAs, the MPs and their keens are not so valuable as to attract the cream of our security forces to protect them, while the valuable lives of our unprotected citizens are at the mercy of the terrorists. Our sham democracy has been reduced to an oligarchy.
That the leaders are not at all concerned about the security of the common people has been well highlighted by Prof. N. D. Batra (“Fighting terror is not for wimps” The Statesman: 17 December,2008). We are not like the Americans who have stopped all acts of terrorism in their country for the last seven years, since 9/11/2001. He has very rightly commented on “these girlie men surrounded by 24/7 body-guards” who “do not care much for India”.
India is now like the sub-saharan countries that are governed by war-lords who loot the country and are protected by their own militia, and do not care a fig for the people. Cry, beloved country!


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